Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Uh-Huh-Huh-Huh - He Said Stimulus

(John) Boehner and Butthead?

Paul Krugman says Republicans have become the party of Beavis and Butthead (I thought this happened at about the same time as Palin-mania engulfed the radical right):

leaving aside the chutzpah of casting the failure of his own party’s governance as proof that government can’t work, does [Jindal] really think that the response to natural disasters like Katrina is best undertaken by uncoordinated private action? Hey, why bother having an army? Let’s just rely on self-defense by armed citizens.

The intellectual incoherence is stunning. Basically, the political philosophy of the GOP right now seems to consist of snickering at stuff that they think sounds funny. The party of ideas has become the party of Beavis and Butthead.

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