Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In The Interests of Equal Time

No, not really.

This quote is from Jonah Goldberg, one of the gasbags of the neocon right. Maybe you've seen him on television. He seems like a pleasant enough fellow, although I usually disagree with everything he says. I found my way to this article of his online and came across this hilarious passage, which I was tempted to plagarize and put into one of my posts, but instead, I will just copy as a quote of the day:

I know — from painful experience — that there are lots of people out there who subscribe to the bumper-sticker slogan "peace through strength is like virginity through f**king." I had to argue with such folks through all of college (and much of high school). Such statements are black holes of stupidity — idiocy is crammed into such a small space that it folds upon itself and bends all reason and logic in its proximity.

Ridiculous extrapolations aside, that's a good zinger. Bravo.

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